Advanced Templates Settings

The Advanced Templates plugin is an add-on to Flexible Invoices for WooCommerce PRO.

For its functioning, it is required to enable the Flexible Invoices WooCommerce plugin, version 3.6 or higher.

To go to plugin configuration, go to Invoices -> Settings -> Invoice Template.

Invoice Template

These options are built into Flexible Invoices core. Read more about these settings and customizing documents.

The Advanced Templates plugin allows you to use the following settings.

Advanced Invoice Template

These options allow you to customize the PDF layout of your invoices.


Advanced Templates for Flexible Invoices WooCommerce - PDF layouts

Choose one of 4 templates. The layout will be used for invoices, proforms, and correction invoices. By default, the first one is selected. After moving your mouse over a template, you may enlarge it by clicking on the magnifier.

Click on your preferred invoice layout and Save changes. Then, check the selected template on one of your invoices.

Advanced Templates for Flexible Invoices WooCommerce - font settings

Text - specify the font, color, and size (8px - 12px) for documents. These settings will affect most of the text on the invoice.

Heading 1 - specify the font, color, and size (10px - 32px) for the invoice number.

Heading 2 - specify the font, color, and size (10px - 32px) for the section headings (Seller, Buyer, Shipping) in the invoice.

Heading 3 - specify the font, color, and size (8px - 12px) for headings in the invoice tables.

You may choose one of 11 fonts for the body text and headings.

  • DeJaVu Sans
  • DeJaVu Serif
  • DeJaVu Sans Condensed
  • FreeSerif
  • Montserrat
  • OpenSans
  • OpenSansCondensed
  • Roboto
  • RobotoSlab
  • Rubik
  • TitilliumWeb

DeJaVu Sans and FreeSerif support Hebrew & Arabic characters.

Table design

Advanced Templates for Flexible Invoices WooCommerce - customize tables

Customize design for invoice tables. You may define:

  • Table border thickness - choose a value from 1px to 4px.
  • Table border color - choose any color. You can also enter the HEX code.
  • Table header background - choose a color for the tables' headers. You can also use the HEX code here.
  • Rows color (even) - choose a color for the even rows of the invoice tables. With this option, your tables will be easier to read. For example, when invoices have more table entries.

Reset appearance - the button will restore the default settings for the template (layout, content styles, headers, and tables). To save default settings click Save changes.

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