Proforma Settings

In the Invoices menu, select Settings and then go to the Documents tab. Choose Proforma.

Proforma Invoice Settings (PRO)

Automatic sending

When you select order statuses (you can choose more than one), a link with a PDF file will be automatically attached to the order e-mails. Proforma invoices are not sent upon creating an order, but upon changing the status. The default option is set to Do not send.

If a proforma invoice for a particular order has not been issued yet, the plugin automatically creates the invoice before sending it, using the data from the order. The plugin uses the standard WooCommerce e-mail to send the proforma invoices. To edit the e-mail, go to the WooCommerce menu -> SettingsE-mailsProforma Invoice.

If the client requests the proforma invoice to be issued, the process of automatically sending these invoices will work only for orders in which the customer wants to get an invoice.

That option can be set in the Invoices menu -> Settings -> WooCommerce tab -> Checkout section.

Next Number

Decide from which number the proforma invoices are to be numbered.

If you used another program to issue proforma invoices, you may enter a consecutive number. If you have just started selling, leave it at number 1.

Prefixes and Suffixes

You can also enter prefixes and suffixes to adjust the naming and numbering of the proforma invoices to your particular needs.

You can use the following shortcodes for prefixes and suffixes: {DD} – day, {MM} – month, {YYYY} – year.

For example, to get: Proforma Invoice 1/12/2020 (1 – the proforma invoice number) you need to enter:

Prefix: Proforma Invoice Suffix: /{MM}/{YYYY}

Number Reset

Choose how to start numbering: monthly, annually, or without resetting.

After resetting, the proforma invoice numbering in the new month or year will start from number 1.

Default Due Time

You may enter the default due time in days for proforma invoices. The payment day can also be edited for each proforma invoice.


Optionally, you may enter notes to appear on the proforma invoice. Notes can be edited for each proforma invoice as well.

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