How to update the Flexible Invoices plugin?

Plugins from Flexible Invoices can be updated automatically from the Plugins menu on your WordPress site. Our new licensing system no longer requires the activation of unique API keys. Instead, you must have your domain registered in our panel. Read how to activate the Flexible Invoices plugin ➡️

Manual update via WordPress dashboard

  1. Download the plugin from the My account page,
  2. Go to the Plugins menu on your WordPress site,
  3. Delete your current version of the plugin (your settings won't be deleted),
  4. Click Add New and then Upload Plugin,
  5. Choose the download file from your hard disk (it must be a zip file - please do not unpack it),
  6. Wait for the plugin to install and activate it.

Manual update via FTP

  1. Download the plugin from the My account page and unpack it.
  2. Move to /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your webserver using FTP and delete your current version of the plugin (your settings won't be deleted).
  3. Upload the plugin's folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your webserver.
  4. Go to the Plugins menu on your WordPress site and activate the plugin.
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