Translating the documents and issues regarding WPML support

The Flexible Invoices plugin is compatible with the WPML plugin and is ready for translations. The invoices will be issued in the language of a user session during placing an order in WooCommerce. The text below will explain how the translation works and how to introduce WPML support for Flexible Invoices in your WooCommerce store.

Learn more about WPML

WPML & Flexible Invoices for WooCommerce

Invoices that you issue for WooCommerce orders will always be saved in a language in which the order was placed during the WPML session.

All of the fields visible on the invoice can be translated. Furthermore, the plugin also supports the translations of:

  • The VAT number field in the checkout form
  • Order items
  • Shipping method
  • Payment method
  • E-mails with the invoice download link that are sent to the customers
  • Download link in the My Account section of your site

Adding the translations

During the configuration of the plugin, you can adjust the phrases which can be edited (eg. Invoice Prefix). You can only edit them using the default site Language. For languages different than default, fields won't be editable - you should use the String Translation tool to translate them:

Flexible Invoices WooCommerce WordPress adding WPML translations

In order to add translations for Flexible Invoices phrases, use the String Translation tool, just like translating any other plugin. Open String Translation screen and add translated phrases:

Flexible Invoices WooCommerce WordPress WPML string translations

Text domains you should be using while working with translations:

  • flexible-invoices
  • flexible-invoices-woocommerce

Flexible Invoices for WordPress

If you decide to issue an invoice that won't be related to WooCommerce order (using Invoices -> Add New), the invoice language will be the same as logged in user's language which generates the invoice.

Deactivate and reactivate Flexible Invoices for WordPress plugin to reload standard translation included with the plugin in .mo files (it will overwrite your current translations).


Phrase's language flag does not match its actual language

If you notice that the phrase's language flag does not match its actual language during the work on translation, it might mean that this phrase has been saved while the current phrase language was set as the site's language (eg. before activating WPML).

Flexible Invoices WooCommerce WordPress WPML language flag

Phrase's language flag does not match its actual language

To solve this issue, choose one of the solutions below:

  • delete the string (after deleting, it will be added again automatically)
  • manually change the string's language using Change the language of selected strings button

Flexible Invoices WooCommerce WordPress change delete language

There are string in different languages on the invoice

If there are mixed languages on the invoice, please make sure that all phrases are translated in the String Translation tool. If one of the strings does not have a translation set, it may lead to incorrect loading of other strings. Translating the remaining phrases will solve this issue.

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